Leverage Airbyte Cloud, Apache Airflow™, and dbt for Increased Data Engineering Efficiency

Data engineers working with Teradata are used to managing large volumes of data. Managing extract, load, and transform (ELT) pipelines is now easier with new features and integrations from Teradata.

This solution brief details how data engineers can leverage Airbyte Cloud, Apache Airflow™, and dbt (data build tool) to increase productivity:

  • Copy data from 300+ sources to the Teradata Vantage™ platform, including our cloud-based Teradata VantageCloud deployment, with Airbyte Cloud.
  • Automate Teradata workflows—and save time to work on customer-focused initiatives—with Apache Airflow™.
  • Leverage support for dbt data contracts with the dbt-teradata 1.7.1 release and Teradata session mode, the most-used session mode in Teradata environments.

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