
Freek Karel Mathieu Cox-Aloo

Clearscape Analytics Sales Specialist, Teradata

Freek Karel Mathieu Cox-Aloo
Freek Karel Mathieu Cox-Aloo

Freek Karel Mathieu Cox-Aloo is an Clearscape Analytics Sales Specialist for the International, a Teradata Cares Champion in the Benelux at Teradata and a volunteer in charities, sports and politics. He works closely with the account teams, partners and customers to drive business outcomes and deliver value-added business solutions in analytics and data science. His commercial and business background includes extensive experience in account management, product and services sales, telesales, coaching and strategic alliance management. He seeks to help companies get a better 360 degrees customer view and a faster time to market. Freek holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences and a Master of Arts in Communication Sciences at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In 2012 he was knighted to Knight in the order of Oranje Nassau for more than 30 years of regional, national and international volunteer work in charities, sports and politics.


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