
Martyn Etherington

Martyn Etherington is Chief Marketing Officer for Teradata, and a member of the Executive Leadership Team. Responsible for all aspects of Teradata’s corporate marketing strategy globally, as well as brand and digital programs, Martyn focuses on the creation, delivery, and follow-through of the company’s strategic marketing goals, strengthening its brand and enriching its customers’ experiences.

Martyn has a distinguished track record of driving top-line results, growing market share, improving customer experience, and enhancing brands. Before joining Teradata, Martyn was Chief Marketing Officer at Cisco Jasper, a global market leader for IoT connectivity management. Prior to this role, Martyn served as Executive Vice President, Chief Marketing Officer, and Chief of Staff for Mitel, where he was responsible for driving global marketing.

Martyn has been recognized by The Economist as one of the Top 25 Social Business Leaders, by Forbes as one of the Top 50 marketers, BtoB Magazine as one of the World's Best Marketers, and The Internationalist as one of the top international marketers.

Martyn earned a national diploma in computer science from Northbrook College, United Kingdom, and served as the chair of the School of Business Advisory Board at Portland State University.


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